We understand that life sometimes throws up unexpected surprises which may prevent you from joining us on one of our trips after you’ve signed up, so here are the cancellation and refund policies for the different trips we run.

Summary: Let us know ASAP if you can’t come.

Day and Evening Outdoor Caving Cancellations

When people cancel on caving trips, it causes a great deal of stress.

How to cancel: Message The Caving Crew ASAP

When to cancel: As soon as you can.

When you can get a refund: if you cancel before signup closes.

If you cancel after signup has closed, you won’t be able to get a refund.

If you cancel after signup has closed, we’ll record your attendance as a “late-bail”, and if you don’t show up, we’ll record a “no show”.

Places are not re-saleable or transferable.

Up to Two Nights Overnight Trip Cancellations

Our overnight trips typically involve a great deal of organisation and organisation starts months in advance. Often the Crew accepts the risks of a significant deposit and there is then a great pressure to make sure the trip does not lose money for the Crew. Its often very hard, high pressure work for volunteers when people can’t make it or when people don’t come at last moment and unless the space can be filled, there’s a risk of the Crew losing money.

How to cancel: Message The Caving Crew ASAP

When to cancel: As soon as you can.

When you can get a refund: if you cancel 2 weeks or more before the event, we’ll give you a full refund.

If you cancel 1 week before the event, and we’re able to fill your place, we will give you a full refund.

If you cancel less than 1 week before the event, its unlikely we’ll be able to fill your place, as we’ll be busy organising the trip, and plans will have already been made that include you so you won’t get a refund.

If you cancel after signup has closed, we’ll record your attendance as a “late-bail”, and if you don’t show up, we’ll record a “no show”.

Places are not re-saleable or transferable.

Over Two Nights Overnight Trips Cancellations

Our longer trips are often harder to organise, and include greater financial contributions from the Crew, very large deposits and work on the basis that everyone is working together in unison.

How to cancel: Message The Caving Crew ASAP

When to cancel: As soon as you can.

When you can get a refund: if you cancel 4 weeks or more before the event, we’ll give you a full refund.

If you cancel 2 or more week before the event, and we’re able to fill your place, we will give you a full refund.

If you cancel less than 2 week before the event, its unlikely we’ll be able to fill your place, as we’ll be busy organising the trip, and plans will have already been made that include you so you won’t get a refund.

Places are not re-saleable or transferable.

Social Events

Our paid social events are often harder to organise, and include greater financial contributions from the Crew, large deposits and work on the basis that everyone is working together in unison.

How to cancel: Message The Caving Crew ASAP

When to cancel: As soon as you can.

When you can get a refund: if you cancel 4 weeks or more before the event, we’ll give you a full refund.

If you cancel 2 or more week before the event, and we’re able to fill your place, we will give you a full refund.

If you cancel less than 2 week before the event, its unlikely we’ll be able to fill your place, as we’ll be busy organising the trip, and plans will have already been made that include you so you won’t get a refund.

Places are not re-saleable or transferable.


Caving Crew membership is not refundable.

How to cancel: Membership can be cancelled by informing secretary at cavingcrew.com by email and will not be renewed at the start of the following year.

Refunds for Membership are only granted in very exceptional circumstances – eg accidentally signing up for two concurrent Caving Crew memberships.

Frequently asked questions

Who can I contact to talk about this?

Messaging the Caving Crew

I got covid. Can I get a refund?

Sadly not. We have to take responsibility for our risk of exposure to covid.

Who makes the final decisions?

The Caving Crew Treasurer is the final word – if you think this policy has been applied inconsistently, feel free to email treasurer at cavingcrew.com

I didn’t realise Membership renewed?

Membership is automatically renewed every January. You can cancel by emailing the Secretary – if they receive your email before 23:59 on the First of January.

Can I get a refund for more than 100% of what I paid?

Under no circumstances will we issue refunds of more than 100% what was paid.

What if the event is cancelled or rescheduled by the Crew?

If the event is cancelled, we’ll offer 100% refunds.

If it’s rescheduled, we’ll offer the opportunity for a 100% refund and an opportunity to move your place.

In general, Crew events are much more likely to go ahead than be cancelled or rescheduled.

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